Plucking endangered tulips in Muş comes with hefty fine

Plucking endangered tulips in Muş comes with hefty fine

Plucking endangered tulips in Muş comes with hefty fine

In the eastern province of Muş, a hefty fine will be imposed on those who pluck endangered tulips unique to the region.

The plains in the city have burst into a vibrant red as tulips bloom with the arrival of spring, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

These distinctive red spear-like tulips, identified as Muş 1071 and registered as an endemic plant species, attract swarms of visitors eager to witness and capture their beauty against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains during the brief 15-day period when they flourish.

However, authorities warn that plucking or trading the endangered tulips will result in a fine of more than 387,141 Turkish Liras (around $11,880), leaving visitors hesitant to even touch the tulips. The administrative penalty serves as a deterrent against further endangering these rare blooms.